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Hi, thanks for stopping by. I’m Anita, Product Designer, currently @ Workday.

My mission is to solve difficult experience problems, delight people, and improve every experience I work on. I am passionate about crafting thoughtful experiences and having fun while doing it.

Contact me:
Email // LinkedIn // Dribbble


Interactive Data Analysis

Users wanted to analyze data without knowing SQL, so we provided support for interactive analysis that became a highly adopted feature.

Periscope Data, 2017-2019

Custom Text Annotations on Dashboard 

Users needed a way to annotate data on their Periscope dashboards, so we built a rich text widget that was well-received and adopted by 80% of our users.

Periscope Data, 2017-2019

UI Redesign

The platform needed to improve accessibility, usability and responsiveness, so we redesigned the UI.

Apteligent, 2015-2017